If you are a volunteer with any of our ministries here at Bridgetown Baptist that works with youth or persons of other vulnerable sections (seniors, disabled, etc.) you must complete a criminal Record Check and also a Child Abuse Registry check. 

A) the Criminal Record Check form is available at the RCMP detachment in Bridgetown, and you must obtain a cover letter from Pastor Steve, or the chair of your volunteer Board, which will also instruct the RCMP to include a Vulnerable Persons check as part of the search.

B) You can apply for a Nova Scotia Child Abuse Registry check at the following link HERE.  This must be completed as well.

Rev. Dr. Steven B. Hopper

Steve Hopper

Steve was ordained to the Christian Ministry on September 18th, 1988.  Since then, he has ministered in a variety of settings around Nova Scotia. On May 1st at Centreville Baptist, he retired from full-time Christian Ministry to pursue a career in carpentry.  Soon afterwards, he realized that he still had a passion for church leadership and preaching and began praying that God would provide an opportunity for co-vocational ministry. God answered and sent Steve to Bridgetown.

He was born into a Christian home in Moncton, NB, the third child in a family of four.  As an 11-year-old he made a commitment to Christ at a Christian Camp and was baptized shortly thereafter.  High School graduation came during a tumultuous time in which he struggled to find his way in life.

He soon became concerned over the lack of direction in his life and came to realize he would never fully have a sense of meaning and purpose apart from completely committing his life to following the teachings of Jesus, which he soon did.   Not long after this, Steve sensed that God was calling him into full-time Christian ministry to help others experience life the way God intended through developing a relationship with Christ

He was educated at Atlantic Baptist College and Acadia Divinity College.  In 2014, he successfully defended his thesis, “A Search for Significance: A Study into The Reasons Why The Adult Children Of Members From The Brooklyn And Liverpool United Baptist Churches Quit Participating” and received his Doctor of Ministries degree.

Steve is married to Diane, and they have 6 adult children and 4 grandchildren.  Diane works full time as an HR manager with Nova Scotia Health, where she has been employed for 20 years.  Diane became a Christian as a young adult, and over the years has enjoyed participating in a variety of Church ministry groups and activities.  She has a passion for music, and recently took up learning to play the drums.

Steve and Diane both enjoy reading, riding their motorcycles, playing hockey & golf and cheering for their favourite football teams. They have 2 cats and an old springer spaniel. 

Welcome! Thank you for taking the time to check out our web site. We trust that you haven't already done so, that we will have the opportunity to soon meet you personally through our Worship services and other ministries.

While our churches & Baptist Charge have a long history & a rich tradition, it is on the timeless message and "utterly reliable" truths of the Bible (from Genesis to Revelation) that we depend. We are always keen and excited to share "the light, life and love of Christ" -- God's amazing offer -- which bridges generations, graciously covers our sin and human weaknesses, and meets our deepest needs.

Office hours will be Wednesdays from 9am – noon, at Bridgetown Baptist Church Office.

Music Ministry: Debbie Rice, Maggie Rice, Shelley Wallace, Marian Ward.
Church Secretary: Maggie Rice
Church Clerk: Rita Hurlburt
Treasurer: Heather Jackson
Custodian: Ernie and Bev Marshall
Board of Leaders Chair: Karel Spicer
Sunday School Co-Ordinators: Jenn Martin Hawkes/ Shelley Wallace
Board of Deacons: Grant Wright (Chair), Dave Buzza, Tim Hawkes, Horace Hurlburt, Debbie Rice, Karel Spicer.
Honorary Deacon: Lew Ricketson
Board of Christian Education Chair: Marian Ward
Management Board Chair: Andy DeBoer
Mission Board Chair: Evelyn Hannam

Centrelea Baptist

Pianists: Maggie Rice, Marian Ward
Deacons: Danny Bruce, Angela Bruce
Honorary Deacon: Louise Bruce
Church Clerk: Angela Bruce
Treasurer: Sandie Troop
Junior Church: Billie Jo Weir
Trustees: Billie Jo Weir, Trudy Inglis, George Bruce
Finance: Pat McFarlane, Trudy Inglis, Billie Jo Weir
Good Will: Trudy Inglis
Custodian: Angela Bruce

West Dalhousie Baptist

Organist: Maggie Rice
Church Clerk: Julie Hannam
Treasurer: Debbie Porter-Hannam
Trustees: Sheldon Guest, Charlie Ruggles, Laurie Ruggles









Meet the Ministry Team


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Debbie Rice

Organist & Choir Director


...sharing the light, life and love of Christ. (Col. 1:12-14)